so I decided to lool back on it and OMFG MY EYES! THEY BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! Jeez I was horrible at drawing when I was 13 ;_; I advanced quick...I would upload them but do you really REALLY want your eyes to bleed too? Yeah you don't trust me!
Also I must promote this girls story >Bc you should read it! I read it...I'm waiting for the next chapter too
Model #48
CHECK IT OUT! There is only 5 chapters but there is like...2 or 3 stories she wrote in between...I think it's good...I might be weird for that but I think it's good .
I gotta bug my friends for voice acting I gotta rememebr that
Was it really necisarry for me to make 2 post in a day...nah but I'll post this anyway
Nice PicĀ“s
I Love Your Work